We Stand In Solidarity With Our Brother Eber Garcia Vasquez
This year, we have seen an increase of attacks on our immigrant brothers and sisters in the form of ICE detentions at homes, job-sites, and schools. Unfortunately last week, our brother Eber Garcia Vasquez from Local 813 in New York, fell victim to this type of action when he was detained after a routine check in with ICE. These actions harm our economy, destroy our communities, tear families apart, and do not embody the values that we hold as Teamsters. As Secretary Treasurer of Teamsters Local 396 and Director of the Teamsters National Solid Waste and Recycling Division, I encourage my Teamster brothers and sisters, regardless of your industry, status, or personal background, to stand with our sisters and brothers in the immigrant community, as they face an unprecedented attack on their basic rights and their ability to provide for themselves and their families.
Please help our union brother Eber by calling ICE and demanding that Eber be released.
Please CALL Hakeem Folajaiye, ICE Officer, at (212) 863–3452 AND Jacob Antoninis, ICE Assistant Field Office Director, at (212) 863–3437.
Teamsters Local 396 represents UPS and Sanitation workers in Southern California. The Local Union also serves Members in other miscellaneous industries such as logistics, recycling and feed delivery services.