LA Unions Call for Protection of Democracy, Demand Every Vote be Counted
The American people made a statement this election by turning out in record numbers. Even with the threat of the pandemic, we have seen record-level turnout, amplifying the need for restraint from any premature victory announcements.
In many states, ballots could not be counted until Election Day, even for early voting, leaving these states with the monumental task of tallying up the votes. While this is normal in every election, record turnout will cause the process to take significantly longer. Election counters will need the space and time to report legitimate results and we should do everything in our power to support them, and honor the sacred vote of each individual.
A legitimate election is where eligible voters have access to vote and every ballot is counted. That is the cornerstone of democracy and the foundation on which our great country was built upon. We as Americans must defend our democracy and the voting process we have relied on for 200 years.
Unfortunately, opponents of working families have taken a different approach to this election season. They have used reprehensible tactics to suppress the vote by undermining our election process and going as far as to support violent armed groups to intimidate voters.
Our opponents may not believe in democracy, but for us in the Labor Movement, that is where our power lies. For hundreds of years, we have persisted through unrest and oppression. Through consistent attacks by corporations and political leaders who wish to destroy the power of working people. But as history has shown, the power of collective action and solidarity is an undeniable force for change and we will persevere.
This election is only one step in the journey to give power back to the working people of America. No matter the outcome, we will stand united and unshaken in our resolve. We must protect our democracy and the rights of working people by demanding that every vote be counted.